June 29, 2020

CELEBioEconomy Celebration

CELEBio Czech Republic is happy to invite you to the CELEBioEconomy Celebration, organized in Prague, 14 October 2020. This National Event is organized to present, discuss and support the bioeconomy of Czech Republic – all interested stakeholders are invited to attend[1]. REGISTRATION FOR THE EVENT The registration is needed mainly because of ongoing COVID19 situation, in an effort to treat our stakeholders in a responsible way. With the registration, I confirm I will not attend the CELEBioEconomy Celebration (14 October 2020) in case I have any COVID-19 symptoms 2 weeks before the event. Also, the organizer strongly recommends downloading and […]
December 2, 2020

Bioekonomové vyzývají Českou republiku, aby podpořila Zelenou dohodu pro Evropu

Věděli jste, že většina plastových obalů potravin se vyrábí z nerozložitelných materiálů, které jsou vedlejším produktem zpracování neobnovitelných fosilních paliv? Věděli jste, že i polyester v oblečení, které nosíte, vzniká rafinací ropy? Produkty z fosilních paliv se primárně vyrábějí mimo Českou republiku a poté se dováží do naší země, kde si je kupují místní zákazníci. Nebylo by lepší vyrábět přímo u nás produkty z biologických materiálů? Můžeme tak vytvořit nová pracovní místa a zároveň zlepšit životní prostředí. Virtuálního workshopu CELEBio Celebration (14. října 2020) se zúčastnilo přes 60 zájemců o bioekonomiku, kteří diskutovali o modernizaci odvětví lesnictví, zemědělství a zpracování odpadů. Výzkum […]
November 9, 2020

CELEBio – Action Recommendations (Czech Version)

Program konference CELEBioEconomy Celebration (14. října 2020) Workshop (13:40-14:50) – diskuze v českém jazyce Moderátorka: Dagmar Milerová Práškova (Institut cirkulární ekonomiky, Praha) „Kulaté stoly o biohospodářství“ – aktivní účast publika na utváření budoucích kroků pro podporu biohospodářství v České republice. Jaké kroky (v obchodě, politice, vzdělávání a občanské sféře) jsou potřeba, aby se výrazně podpořilo využití málo používané zbytkové biomasy v zemědělství a lesnictví a využití bioodpadu v biohospodářství? Dohodli jsme, že budeme mít 3 diskuzní stoly nebo místnosti. Vedoucí diskuze budou stimulovat diskuzi ze strany účastníků, aby postupně získali konkrétní odpovědi na položené otázky. Cílem je navrhnout řešení problémů pro každý ze […]
November 9, 2020

CELEBio – Action Recommendations (English Version)

CELEBioEconomy Celebration Programme (14 October 2020) Workshop (1:40-2:50 pm) – discussion in the Czech language Moderator: Dagmar Milerová Prášková (Institute for Circular Economy, Prague) “Bio Economy Round-tables” – Active audience participation in shaping the future actions to spur the bioeconomy in the Czech Republic. What are the actions (business, policy, academic, and citizen) needed to robustly address the under-utilized biomass, in residual agriculture, forestry, and bio-based waste for a bio-based economy? The discussion tables/rooms, we agreed there will be 3 tables or rooms. The discussion leaders will stimulate the discussion from the attendees to distil concrete answers to the questions […]
November 6, 2020

Slides from the CELEBio Workshop – 1st part CELEBio Overview

CELEBioEconomy Celebration (National Workshop CELEBio Czech Republic, 14 October 2020 Online) Here the slides from the 1st part of the workshop “CELEBio Overview” can be downloaded. Moderator: Marie Kubankova – BioHub Czech Republic Speakers: Nelo Emerencia – Director Programming at Bio-based Industries Consortium Pilar Llorente Ruiz de Azua – BBI JU Project Officer for CELEBio Peter Canciani – CELEBio coordinator; CEI – Central European Initiative, IT Markus Dettenhofer – CELEBio Czech Project Leader – CEITEC, CZ George Sakallaris – CELEBio Czech Ambassador – BIOCON Ltd. CZ
October 8, 2020

CELEBioEconomy Celebration – AGENDA

CELEBioEconomy Celebration (14 October 2020, 12:30 -5:40) Change: because of the C-19 – The Event is held completely virtual Please, note: Registration via Zoom is necessary (please, use the newest Zoom version 5.3) https://zoom.us/meeting/register/tJIsdOmupz8pEtPn9REM0p6PXR1xSfaw6tCN Time zone: CET Welcome anybody to listen! Worskhop (1:40-2:50 pm) with active participation is held in Czech Language as the only part of the event. AGENDA CELEBio Overview (12:30 -1:30 pm) – in English language Introduction: Markus Dettenhofer (CEITEC) Moderator: Marie Kubankova (BioHub Czech Republic) CELEBio, a European funded project from BBI-JU, contributes to strengthening bioeconomy-related activities in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Hungary, Slovak Republic and Slovenia. […]
September 2, 2020

Deadline For BioEconomy Underground Competition has been Extended!

*UPDATE: Don’t miss your chance to take home over €350 (10 000 Kč)! Due to popular request, the submission deadline for BioEconomy Underground Competition has been changed to 27th September 2020! Winning prize is 10 000 Kč! Take your chance now! Do you have a new idea to solve a problem using biobased materials or products? Challenge yourself to test and share your concept during the CELEBioEconomy Celebration Day (14. 10. 2020, Prague, HubHub). Candidates can join the competition virtually as well. There is a movement, an underground movement of enlightened people who know there is more to life than inorganic materials. […]
July 1, 2020

BioEconomy Underground Competition of the Czech Republic

Do you have a new idea to solve a problem using biobased materials or products? Challenge yourself to test and share your concept during the CELEBioEconomy Celebration Day (14. 10. 2020, Prague, HubHub). There is a movement, an underground movement of enlightened people who know there is more to life than inorganic materials. How can Czech Republic become more sustainable? Biomass is abundant, but under-utilized to its full potential. Welcome, are the ideas which identify current challenges to society, related to agriculture, forestry, waste, energy or other bio-industries, and present a new bio-based solution to address such challenges. We offer […]
March 20, 2020

WEBINARS: “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”

25 March, 01 April, 08 April, 15 April 2020. The partnership of CELEBio project is pleased to invite you to a series of four thematic webinars on “Shaping the innovation ecosystem for the Bioeconomy”. Co-organized by the BBI JU funded projects LIFT, UrBioFuture, CELEBIO, in collaboration with BIOVOICES, Biobridges and the European Bioeconomy Network, the webinars aim to provide recommendations and Actionable Knowledge for quadruple helix stakeholders. The four thematic webinars will take place every Wednesday from the 25 of March 2020 and are expected to stimulate the discussion toward the BBI JU Info day (22 April 2020 https://www.bbi-europe.eu/events/bbi-ju-info-day-2020), though […]
January 17, 2020

CELEBio website

The Central Europe Leaders in Bioeconomy (CELEBio) is designed to facilitate the creation and expansion of industrial bio-based activities in six countries of Central, East and South East Europe with fact-based information, the elaboration of evidence-based Action Plans and networking.